Saturday, December 15, 2012

Health benefits, you're agreeing increasing age

Health benefits, you're agreeing increasing age - Most people are worried about old age is more attractive because of its appearance and movement of ideas that parents synonymous with "sick" word. But age does not always go bad and even offers a variety of health benefits.

When parents age, someone thinks would be more mature and avoid stress these things. So do not be surprised if a large number of middle-aged people reported that their quality of life improved and happier.

Here are six health benefits that you can gain with age, among others:

1. Rarely flu
Compared to when you were a child or a teenager, you seldom flu at the age of age. Person's immune system is weakened by age, but research shows that the body is even more powerful in the fight against infection at the age of 30-40 years.

Over time, the body will store more types of different antibodies. Years later, when you're new influenza virus similar antibodies is a powerful tool to prevent recurrent infections.

2. Endurance is primed
A study shows that a woman's body reaches peak fitness at the age of 35 years. "Women have the ability to maintain the fuel of the body, especially fat very effective," wrote Pamela Peeke, MD, in his book "Body For Life For Women.

So it is not surprising that so many runners who have achieved success at a young age is no more. This is because mentally healthy in old age, which makes the body more excellent stamina.

3. High sexual satisfaction
Shift the balance of hormones when someone was in her early 40s
years, can actually increase sexual desire and the ability to have an orgasm. In addition, the body will feel more comfortable making love and trust more the pair, so as to promote sexual satisfaction.

According to the survey, only 61 percent of women aged 18 to 24 who have had an orgasm during their last sexual intercourse. Compared to 65 percent of women in their 30s and 70 percent of women aged 40 to 50 years.

4. Require much less maintenance
When parents age, it is normal lines or wrinkles that appear on the face. But at an advanced age, require less maintenance ubuh you when you were young. The scalp of the person to produce less oil as you age, so hair is not easy to get dirty.

The rate of hair growth may also decrease because estrogen levels are low ore, so that you do not need a haircut as often. Hormone levels more stable also makes women avoid acne problems in the elderly.

5. The stress level
At a young age, a person will be filled with anxiety such as salary, work environment, cost of living, family, school fees and so on, where there is no longer cause anxiety in ancient times.

Aging makes a person more easily experience the joy of escaping the responsibility of caring for children who have grown up, the work that has been put in place, trust and loyalty partners will.

6. The increase in mental abilities
Obviously, the higher the age, it will be more forgetful, but a new study shows that some mental abilities can be improved when a person reaches middle age. This is known as "neuroplasticity," the ability to learn from the experience of life.

Studies have shown that we begin to use both sides of the brain to manage routine tasks, making it easier to solve the problem, which could explain why someone age 40 to 50 years had higher scores on cognitive tests

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