Thursday, March 14, 2013

World's First, Organ Transplant Patients with 5 Babies Healthy Childbirth

World's First, Organ Transplant Patients with 5 Babies Healthy Childbirth - Fatema Al Ansari have undergone organ transplants, 5 in 2007. Now is making history in the world of medicine, having given birth to a healthy baby, February 26. This is the first time ever, patients with organ transplantation from 5 to give birth to healthy babies.

Birth Alkadi Alhayal at Jackson Memorial Hospital on February 26 and make history in the world of medicine. As Alkadi is the first healthy baby born to a mother with a transplant of organs 5.

"This is the first time in the world. We searched the medical literature, all records in the world," said Dr. Salih Yasin, a gynecologist at the UM / Jackson Memorial Hospital, as reported NBCMiami, Thursday (14.03.2013).

The child's mother, Fatema Al Ansari has undergone five organ transplant in Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, in 2007. 5 organs ie intestine liver, pancreas, stomach, colon and small has been replaced with a new body.

After the transplant, she and her husband are from Qatar, returned to the hospital to undergo IVF (in vitro fertilization) or test tube baby. He got close monitoring by the transplant team during high-risk pregnancies.

"The focus of the system is how the body will be able to take care of the pregnancy weight and how his body will react organs during pregnancy and beyond," said Dr. Yasin.

Al Ansari experiencing physical discomfort during pregnancy, but had no other complications. And in February, Al Ansari eventually led to the conditions of a healthy baby and mother.

This woman was very grateful to her husband, who had been with him for years since he was ill in 2007 and now finally give birth to healthy babies.

Now they hope to give sister for Alkadi in the near future. Doctors UM / Jackson Memorial Hospital also plans to publish details of this case in a medical journal.

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